Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

G Data InternetSecurity 2012 Full

Alongside improved award-winning virus protection and optimization of the intuitive user guidance, G Data InternetSecurity also protects all online activities by means of a “Silent Firewall.” Operating invisibly without any loss of computing power or user-stressing querying, it successfully blocks hackers, viruses and spam. Parental controls also offer added protection.

New features in G Data 2012
- New on-execution monitor mode
- Cloud-Security & File-Cloud-Check
- Larger fingerprinting database with less memory use
- Proactive protection from online banking trojans
- Idle scan: automatic virus check when user is inactive and the system is idle
- Improved Outlook add-in
- Optimized monitor performance
- All vital information available at a glance in the redesigned G Data SecurityCenter
- Image-Backup for full system backups and recovery (available in G Data NotebookSecurity 2012 and G Data TotalCare 2012

Lansung aja Sedot Disini ATAU Sedot Disini

6 komentar:

  1. Wuih gila......banyak bener info valuable buat computer manica nih......bisa minta Adobe Reader versi terbaur kah om......punyaku ngadat, mau download langsung.....signal nya lemot

  2. Wah gan Info Adobe brapa nih yang diinginkan?

  3. Adobe versi 12 sekalian kali Om.........punyaku troule terus. Mau download langsung dari Adobe.....minta duit, repotlah tuh.....susah ngirimnya lah gitu.

  4. Jadi bingung, sebenarnya adobe reader-kah yang minta di uploadkan? dan versi berapa? tolong diperjelas

  5. Ini g datanya udah ditest kan..?bukan malware kan.? aktif berapa lama..?

  6. Dijamin gan bebas malware...cobain aja deh..
